This is a description of the Parent Roles that we will require volunteers from your teams to perform. PLEASE read the descriptions, and at Signing Event, each team will choose the participants and turn in a list at the Signing Event.
This is the Wave Volleyball Handbook that should be reviewed, in order to understand the obligations of both the player/parent as well as the club/coaches. The Handbook may also answer some questions you may have.
This is a Media Release form that gives you a choice IF you want any pictures posted with your daughter, and IF so, WHICH of the sites you give us permission to post such pictures/videos, etc.
This is Age Definition for players for the 2024-2025 season.
We've added a new online tool that will show you the YOUNGEST age team that your daughter can participate without an Exception Waiver granted by OKRVA Board. Check that out here: Online Age Calculator
Wave Volleyball Signing Form
This form contains the Player/Parent Agreement. Please read it, and sign the form and turn in at the Signing Event.
Wave Volleyball Financial Agreement Form - Tsunami Team
Wave Volleyball Financial Agreement Form - Tide Team
This is the Financial Agreement form that must be completed and turned in at the Signing Event.
Wave Volleyball Team Parent Roles
This is a description of the Parent Roles that we will require volunteers from your teams to perform. PLEASE read the descriptions, and at Signing Event, each team will choose the participants and turn in a list at the Signing Event.
Wave Volleyball Team Handbook
This is the Wave Volleyball Handbook that should be reviewed, in order to understand the obligations of both the player/parent as well as the club/coaches. The Handbook may also answer some questions you may have.
Wave Volleyball Media Release Form
This is a Media Release form that gives you a choice IF you want any pictures posted with your daughter, and IF so, WHICH of the sites you give us permission to post such pictures/videos, etc.
Player Medical Release Form
This is the Season's Medical Release Form that must be completed and turned in at the Signing Event.
USA Volleyball Junior Player Age Definition
This is Age Definition for players for the 2024-2025 season.
We've added a new online tool that will show you the YOUNGEST age team that your daughter can participate without an Exception Waiver granted by OKRVA Board. Check that out here: Online Age Calculator